Home History 4 Thought-provoking documentaries suggest ancient sites on Earth are connected

4 Thought-provoking documentaries suggest ancient sites on Earth are connected

Pyramdis Giza

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/oyOA2KuN7yU?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1

Pyramdis-Giza - 4 Thought-provoking documentaries suggest ancient sites on Earth are connected
Is there a correlation between the Pyramids, and other sites on Earth and the stars?

What are the odds that countless ancient sites around the globe are connected randomly? What if, a mind-boggling pattern lays hidden within these structures? 

The first thing that comes to my mind is, how could have ancient cultures placed numerous ancient sites with such precision? Why did they place them as they did? What kind of technology did they used, and is it possible that ancient maps such as the Piri Reis cartography –or the maps used to create it— helped ancient cultures get a sense of orientation on Earth?

What if in distant times, thousand of years ago, the ancients already knew the exact size and shape of Earth? What if in the distant past, ancient cultures like the ancient Egyptians, Inca –or even pre-Inca cultures— had a way of communicating, and even possibly trading?

‘Proof’ of intercontinental trade, thousands of years ago can be found in numerous archaeological discoveries today.

An article posted on Ancient Origins raises numerous questions for that matter.

Titled ‘Did Ancient Egyptians Trade Nicotine and Cocaine With the New World?’ the article raises numerous questions which are beyond fascinating.

The article states that German scientist Dr. Svetla Balabanova was studying the mummified remains of Lady Henut Taui, a member of the ruling class, when she made a surprising discovery – the mummy contained traces of nicotine and cocaine.

Considering the fact that tobacco and coca plants were only found in the Americas at that time, how did Egyptian mummies end up with traces of exotic plants in their system?

What if intercontinental voyages were achieved by several ancient cultures before written history indicates?

Once you consider that option, it becomes a realistic possibility that somehow, the ancients knew exactly where Europe, America, Africa and Asia were located. This would have allowed them to strategically place ancient sites around the globe, creating a mind-bending connection we see today.

These thought-provoking documentaries raise numerous question that challenge several aspects of modern-day history and archaeology.

Perhaps thousands of years ago, ancient cultures around the globe were much more advanced than what we are willing to credit them for.

The other things is, why did nearly all ancient cultures build pyramids?

And why are so many pyramids around the globe of similar design?

It’s as if the ancient Pyramids builders in Africa, America and Asia followed a similar ‘blueprint’ thousands of years ago, resulting in fascinating similarities among pyramids.

These are just some of the questions that arise after watching this documentary. What if there is more to history than we are being told? What if ancient cultures around the globe had many similarities that went unperceived until today? And what if, an ancient ‘mother civilization’ predates civilizations like the ancient Egyptian, Aztec, Maya, etc.?

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62EkJlZE3jY

YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5DNvYMtkyk

Let us know what you think about these mind-boggling connection and how you would explain them today.

Maybe, after all, there is a hidden Ancient Code embedded in structures around the globe.